The history and evolution of E-commerce

E-commerce, also known as electronic marketing, it is not just the buying and selling activities. It defines as the process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services or information via computer network. Nowadays, it brings more convenient and entertainment to the users in those activities such as downloading songs, purchasing clothes on online boutique shop, bidding on the online auction and so on. In fact, the most important feature of E-commerce is it allows people to buy or sell anything they want at anytime of the day or night. Now, let us turn back to the time tunnel and get to know about the history of E-commerce and its evolution to this advancement society.

The history and evolution of E-commerce
When there is no invention of electricity during prehistoric period, all business transactions were done face by face via letters. Gradually, telegraph and telephone were took place of it and then turn to fax machine in the mid 1980's. These telephone and fax machine were the first E-commerce transaction. Follow by the technology advancement, more new technology was replace the old technology which make it more consistency and more faster. Turning back to the history, it is come from the development of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). EDI is a set of standard developed in the 1960's to exchange business information and do electronic transaction. Mosaic web browser was came after this and it was quickly adapted into downloadable browser, Netscape which allowed easier access to E-commerce. The third step in E-commerce development was DSL which allowed quicker access and a persistent connection to the internet.

Years & Event
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) was formulated to facilitate business transaction electronically.

ARPANET, was developed by America deparment of defence for researching new reliable network and later this enhanced into internet nearly 20 years.

Tim Berners-Lee developed World Wide Web that started the first Internet transaction. These technology supported exchange of data that was in text format only.

Mosaic was developed by Marc Andreessen, this is the first graphic web browser launched to interchange text and graphic and loads of people started downloading it. Later on, he develop Netscape. On the other hand, Microsoft come out with Microsoft Explorer.

First business deal took place in this year and since then there have been billion of dealings.

DSL was launched into market that provided much faster access and persistent connection to the network.

E-commerce spread into a significant group globally within a span of 4 years from 1996 to 2000. Another major improvement in E-commerce came with the development of Linux a platform more reliable and open sourced that allowed itself to be customized by its users and to a tough competition to Microsoft that compelled its development much better version of networking.

Amazon and Ebay were the first international companies that implemented electronic transaction.Initially public offering by Amazon, Ebay and Netscape have tremendous and almost everyone started implement business on internet.

prepared by Wong Chuan Chi


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