Top 5 websites i visited the most:
This website allows me to connect with my friend abroad and locally as well. Thanks to facebook, I now can keep in touch with my friends by knowing how well their life going on. The bond of our friendship also getting tigher!!
This is my personal blog that have just created. I'll update about myself in this blog and hope that my friends who wish to update with me can leave on comments and give me some feedback.^^Thanks ya!!
Hotmail allows me to receive and send mails to my friends and family. Thanks to hotmail, we no longer need to write letters and use stamps to post. Now we can post electronically!!
Google is being used most during our assignment peak season. We will search for informations needed for our assignments and amazingly, Google has every information we need. This website never let us down!!Google!!Google!!Google!!
One of the famous website, youtube can let me release my stress by viewing some funny videos or searching for latest songs. Thank you Youtube!!!
This blog is created for our e-commerce assignment purposes. I'm hoping that, by creating this blog, we can share some of the information that will be post or updated with other blogger as well. By exchanging information, it will help us update our knowledge and move further in this advance environment.
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