The top 5 websites that i visited the most
A lot of information that we have to search in the preparation of our assignments and thesis. This website help me a lot when i am doing research.
This is the place where i receive and send mails to my friends. My groupmates will send those information to me which related to our assignments or else i also receive the notification mail which inform me the Facebook daily activity.
This is the place where i receive and send mails to my friends. My groupmates will send those information to me which related to our assignments or else i also receive the notification mail which inform me the Facebook daily activity.
This is the place where can broaden my social networking. I can get to know more friends around the world. Facebook provides a lot of interesting games and it helps me to spent some times when i feel bored.
This is the place where can broaden my social networking. I can get to know more friends around the world. Facebook provides a lot of interesting games and it helps me to spent some times when i feel bored.
If you are interesting to cook, this website will be your lovely website as it provided a variety of recipes such as Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine, western food, malay food and pretty much. There are also some healthy drinks that we can learn from it.
If you are interesting to cook, this website will be your lovely website as it provided a variety of recipes such as Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine, western food, malay food and pretty much. There are also some healthy drinks that we can learn from it.
I always reading newspaper online and this will be the most website that i go.
I always reading newspaper online and this will be the most website that i go.
The top 5 internet activities that i will do are downloading songs and movies, searching information, reading newspaper, playing games and writting blog.
Following by this, our group will keep updating more information about E-commerce, hope you will enjoy it.^^
the picture very nice leh! can teach me how to design it?
June 15, 2009 at 8:54 PMthis is the origin pic n i just add some wording by photoshop. sure can,haha...
June 16, 2009 at 2:50 AMPost a Comment