Electronic learning, known as E-Learning is a term for all types of technology-enhanced learning , where technology is used to support the learning process. Often the medium of instruction is through computer technology, particularly involving digital technologies. It does not require any face-to-face interaction throughout the learning process. It has been implemented by several colleges and universities in Malaysia, such as Open University Malaysia, Multimedia University, University Tun Abdul Razak and so on.

There are ample of PROS can be derived from e-learning:

1) Ease of Accessibility
E-learning has shown its great advantages through its accessibility to all students irrespective
of their residence. It help students to communicate with their lecturers and tutors, get clarifications regarding their subjects and study and access teaching materials through Internet. What you need is just have a computer and a line connectivity.

2) Flexibility
Another advantage of e-learning is its time flexibility. Students may be able to get online resources and communicate with his lecturers, tutors or classmates at anytime, anywhere, even during midnight as the resources can be access for 24*7*365. Despite, students can arrange their timetable according to their own time when he or she is available.

3) Low Cost
E-learning has been becoming more and more popular among students because they can afford getting higher education degrees at respectable universities and colleges by saving extra expenses for traveling, accommodation, food and high fees for tutors. E-learning can offer such students much easier and affordable way to get a good education and a prestige higher degree.

However, there are several CONS in implementing e-learning too:

1) Lack of Communication
Lack of face-to-face communication with lecturers and tutors leads to a lack of understanding between a student and a tutor. While a tutor cannot easily feel a student’s demands, interests and motivations, a student can simply be lazy being non-motivated enough and having free time schedule for his e-learning. This may result a low scope of the student’s knowledge and the teacher’s accusation in lack of proficiency.

2) Language Barriers
The extensive use of English in e-learning contents is also one of the factors that has hindered the success of e-learning. this is obviously occur in Malaysian universities, especially to the student who is weak in English, they need to refer to a dictionary whenever they are learning. This may cause the student to loss interest in studying and become lazy and unmotivated.

3) Bandwidth Issue and Connectivity
E-learning requires a rich combination of multimedia components.However, due to bandwidth and connectivity limitations, downloading of the e-content to the students will be slow. This creates frustration and boredom among students and affects the ease of learning. This issue happens in most of the Malaysian universities regularly.

Related links:



Prepared by Chong Hui Qi'

Nowadays, definitely everyone will has a mobile phone by his side. mobile phone is no longer a luxurious but a daily needs in this generation. Widely known, mobile phone features has been expanded from dialing and answering a call to sending and receiving a message, having a radio, MP3 to payments. Mobile payment, widely known as M-payment can be defined as making a wide range of payments through a mobile device, such as a cellular telephone, smart phone, personal digital assistant( PDA), or any other wireless devices without any cash, credit cards, checkbooks, or having to go online either. What is required is just your mobile phone and you do not even have to be at the point of purchase to pay. You can pay from wherever you are, whether at the office, in the car, at home or just about anywhere!

This brand new system is going to take the lead in the near future. It is an innovative closed loop payment system where consumers will be informed via SMS each time he or she makes a payment. In short, it simply means that it brings payments to you instead of you having to go to make payments, that's why it is also named as Mobile Money. Was Mobile Money safe? Mobile Money is convenient yet secure and rewarding. It is designed with 9 levels of protection to enhance security and to minimize fraud. Each transaction will also be rewarded with instant cash rebate and the “e-cash” accumulated can be used to make purchases at any “Mobile Money” retail outlets. At the same time, participating outlets are also running their own loyalty programmes and offering bonus points to their “Mobile Money” customers, further enhancing the benefits of paying via this mobile payment system.

Mobile Money is a PIN-based mobile payment solution to address the limitations and bottlenecks created by cash, cheques and credit cards. It unlocks the power of the mobile phone to make payments, allowing registered users to pay for goods and services at anytime, anywhere using only a mobile phone secure with a 6-digit security PIN via SMS. This gives the freedom to shoppers to buy products online and pay the merchant using his or her mobile phone without being physically present at the store. Indirectly, crime rate and robbery case might decline due to lesser cash in hand.

There are a great room of potential for this payment system to grow more rapidly. With the mobile payment system, consumers no longer need to carry cash, credit cards, or clicking through ample of different websites or going to the outlets looking for parking and queuing up to pay bills. Thus, it is extremely convenient! What you need to do is to get yourself registered to the Mobile Money service provider and top up with M-payment” instantly and you can start paying your bills or doing remote shopping by just typing a SMS code, and your transaction is done! Anywhere, anytime, anyone!

In order to pay using mobile payment, a shopper must have either a savings, current or credit card account within the related bank. It functions like a credit card. It is advised to have sufficient money inside the shoppers' account so that the transaction can works successfully. The shopper will be billed by the bank accordingly by month's end. In addition, it functions as a debit card if it is tied to shopper's savings or current account. The amount will be deducted immediately from the account upon successful transaction. By doing so, the frequency of bounced cheque and the amount of credit card debts will considerably decline.

As long as the mobile payment system perform as well as it designed to, Malaysians will adopt this new convenient payment method. Moreover, in order to make this payment system being adopted quickly, mobile payment service providers should work hand-in-hand to do aggregate advertising and educate all Malaysians with the benefits of M-payment and lastly please bear in mind that " Your mobile phone is your credit card".

Related links:



Prepared by Chong Hui Qi'

My FLOWER florist.com

My first visit to this website, it grabs my attention as its layout, color, pictures are attracting me. My flower florist.com is a website which sell flower and gifts. There is a variety of flowers designation for customers to choose accordingly to different occasion and festivals or for other purposes. I have a review on the features of this website, and i would like to share with you about the features.

Type of product
They will provide you a series of product which bring different meaning according to customer wants. For some special days such as anniversary, father's and mother's day, valentine's day and so on, they will help you to design the wrapping as it is meaningful to dedicate to you love one.


This the catalog site, it provides the thumbnail photos which the small photo that can be enlarged by clicking on the photo. It also provides the product price below the product features.
However, it do not display a return policy in the page.

Download Speech

The download speech of the website is consider fast and the animation icon is not too much. Therefore it do not required a longer time to run the page.

Site design

"Simple and nice" can be used to describe in this website designation. As i love this concept a lot. In addition, Some of the features are created by flash player and make it more attracting.


The layout is smooth and tidy, the arrangement is follow sequent and in categories. So the users will easily get what they need and it is nice to view. There is one thing that i am very interesting which is the icon on the heading bar. It is aesthetic and easy be recognized , people will easily get the meaning from that icon.

Availability of search engine

Search engine can access a database of the Internet resources, search for specific information or keywords, and report the results. While search engine is available in this website and users search by keywords or by code.

Shopping cart

It is an order-processing technology that allows customers to accumulate items they wish to buy while they continue to shop. Shopping also available in this website where it shows as below.

Cash Out Features

This site provided information of payment option such as payment by credit card for Master Card and Visa, direct Bank-In, payment by mail (cheque, bank draft, money order) or third party fund transfer (Maybank2u.com).


The company provides the buyer with information as to how the buyer's information is secured and how it will be used in the future. The information of protecting customers privacy is available in this website. Moreover, customers can access to their human contact by telephone and street address.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is on the top of the page and it has attached with some pictures with the bar to make it more interesting.

As a consequences, i have a nice journey to exploit this website and it had gained me more knowledge of transactional e-commerce site by study on it.

Prepared by Wong Chuan Chi

Various countries including Malaysia are implementing electronic government which also known as 'e-government'. The initiation of e-government was initiated by the introduction of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) in 1996. Using e-government, it will improve the accessibility and quality of interactions with citizens and businesses. Simultaneously, information flow and processed improved the quality of policy development and as well the coordination and enforcement.

7 main projects which is the core of E-government applications:
1. Generic Office Environment (GOE)
2. Electronic Procurement (eP)
3.Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
4. Project Monitoring System (PMS)
5. Electronic Services Delivery (eServices)
6. Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)
7. Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)

Under these seven pilot projects, it is divided into three categories:

i) Government to Citizens
ii) Government to Businesses
iii) Government to Government

Government to Citizens (G2C)

1) Electronic Services Delivery (eServices)

Now everyone can conduct transactions without going through queuing, traffic jams or any bureaucratic hassles as they can conduct transactions at their own wish and convenience through various convenient channels such as eServices kiosk and Internet. Examples of e-services includes Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and Telekom Nasional Berhad (TM).

2) Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)

ELX is a one stop-centre for labor market information that supervised by Ministry of Human Resource (MORH) that enables employer and job seekers to communicate at the same platform with the objectives of:

  • Enabled an effective and integrated job matching process
  • Provide an effective center of labor market information and references
  • To improve mobilization of the nation's human resources and to ensure the manpower utilization is optimized.
3) E-Syariah

This is the seventh project under e-government. A case management system that integrates the processes related to management of cases for the Syariah Courts. And, the objectives are:

  • To improve the quality of services of Syariah Courts
  • To improve the effectiveness of JKSM (Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia) in coordinating jurisdiction and supervising related agencies under its
  • To upload the splendors of Islam through the use of ICT (Information Communication Technology)

Government to Businesses (G2B)

1) E-procurement

E-procurement system enables suppliers to sell goods and services to the Government through Internet. Suppliers advertise their pricing, process orders and deliveries. The objectives includes:

  • Enables accountability and transparency
  • Creates more skilled and knowledgeable workforce
  • Equips the workforce with the latest technology at minimum cost

2) Generic Office Environment (GOE)

A fully customized web-based with powerful document and office management solution that enables users to effectively and efficiently manage their office environment with the objectives of:

  • Efficient preparation and storage documents
  • Fast search and retrieval of documents
  • Effective and productive collaboration and sharing of information
  • Secure and traceable access to documents

Government to Government (G2G)

1) Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)

HRMIS is integrated for the Malaysian Public Service , incorporating Global Best Practices in HR that allows Public service successfully deal with with the challenges of the K-Economy. The objectives are:

  • Effective Staffing and right-sizing of civil service
  • Improve paperless HRM capabilities
  • Open and flexible system
  • Automated human resource managerial and operational processes

2) Project Monitoring System (PMS)

Online system that monitors the entire lifecycle of national programs. The objectives includes:

  • To support and monitor entire lifecycle of Malaysia's 5-year development program
  • To have quality projects
  • To provide a platform for exchanging ideas and demonstrating best practices models in project implementation

Citizen's adoption strategies

Government should increase the awareness and gain as much attention as possible from the citizens for the services provided in e-government. A higher level of customer satisfaction will increase the rate of e-government adoption which moving the same way with the government. Satisfaction can obtained by providing a better protected privacy and confidentiality of the user's information.
Other than that, to retain a long-term users to use e-government frequently, service quality should be competitive with the other developed country in terms of speed, problem serving approach and ease of use of the website.

Lastly, e-government must be advertised through suitable medium such as radio or television. workshop can be held to create awareness on the existence of e-government as this services provides problem solving as they are all full-focus in providing the best services to its citizens.

More information:
1) http://www.intanbk.intan.my/psimr/articles/Article1%20-%20Full.pdf

2) http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTINFORMATIONANDCOMMUNICATIONANDTECHNOLOGIES/EXTEGOVERNMENT/0,,menuPK:702592~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:702586,00.html

3) http://www.w3.org/2007/06/eGov-dc/papers/SecureEGovernmentPortals

Prepared by Wong Kai Lei.

Corporate blog is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. The advantage of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structured conversation threads.

Currently, corporate blogging is being used as a new marketing communication tool for companies. A corporate weblog is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. Corporate blogs also giving established companies the ability to connect with their audience on a more personal level, build trust and collect valuable feedback that will help the company for the future use.

There are two types of blog which are internal blog and external blog.

Internal blog is normally accessed through company intranet and viewed by the employees within the organization. Using this way, it can help the employees to communicate with each others and share their experiences. Other than that, it also helps communication between different layers of management because every employees have their own freedom to discuss whatever topic together which they called it as a forum.

External Blog is a blog that can be viewed by public where people can live their comments or give their direct feedback through the blog. By using this external blog, companies can communicate with the clients, employees, the media, prospective employees and customers. Apart from that, corporate organization can conduct communication to public relations by posting press releases and updates about a new company products and services on the blog. By other means, corporate blogging has become a platform of direct communication between corporate organizations with outsiders which can build a better relationship with customer.

Although there are benefits, but there are still limitations of corporate blogging:

1) Negative comments
Companies are often sensitive to criticism. Negative comments from the outsiders can be offset or deleted by the company somewhat with a consistent and clear communication and moderation policy.

2) Neglect
When a blog had set up, companies should spend some time and incur cost to maintain and update their blogs regularly.

3) Misunderstanding the audience
The blog audience is not the same as the company's typical customer base, as blog readers are universally more tech-savvy, up-to-date on industry news, and more passionate about the company's products and the organization, and also likely to be highly critical of dishonesty and insincerity.

Therefore, companies that participate in blogging should manage their blogs well and effectively to bring benefits to the companies.

Additional information:
1) Corporate blogging guidelines
2) Corporate blogging policy

Prepared by Wong Kai Lei.

Electronic currency refers to money or script that is exchanged electronically in which it also can be known as e-money, electronic cash, digital cash or digital currency. Normally, it involves the use of computer networks , Internet and digital stored value systems.

Electronic or digital money is a system of debits and credits that used to exchange their values within another system either online or offline. Electronic money can use to refer to the provider itself. For example, private currency may use gold to provide extra security such as Gold currency and private organization such as US military use private currencies such as Eagle Cash.

Electronic currency, Perfect Money in particular is wide all over the world. This currency is easy in use in which it does not need any bills, checks or any other bank documents. How convenience is this electronic currency?

Internet users often choose to pay municipal services or buy something from Internet shops and pay through electronic currency. Adding, research shows many companies whose employees do not work in offices prefer electronic payment system. Thus, an employee does not need to go office every month to pay any bills.

Ways in using this system includes send money online through account to insert funds into e-currency and make purchases online, or pay any community services. These functions make one's life easier and more comfortable.

Another benefits of e-currency is the ability to store electronic money in the account at the same time percents which will cover all the inflation cost. In other meaning, if one keeps money in several currencies, the cost of inflation will disappear and without any actions, one can earn a good profit.

In conclusion, e-currency is a flexible tools. Money will be easier to lend to friends at the distance, to pay purchases on Internet or make any own businesses. In addition to that, the processing fee is much cheaper then the cost of processing traditional money, credit cards and checks!!

Additional information:
1) Benefits of e-currency trading
2) Latest business updates

Prepared by Wong Kai Lei.

Restaurant Reservation Go Online

Review post: OpenTable.com-Online Restaurant Reservation

Just have a review on this post and just wonder that there is a such wonderful way in making us more convenient for reservation before out of the dinner. OpenTable is developed at 1999 and currently there are 7000 high-end restaurant around the world using this system and more than 10,000 customers throughout the United Stated, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Japan.

We may have a discussion about the online reservation in Malaysia. Is there any familair online reservation that you know? Hotel online reservation for booking rooms and Airline ticket booking are most familiar online reservation. Airline ticket would be the shopping rush while there is a low fare promotion, those people will online booking one year before the flight date. Cinema online booking also be fond of many young people for booking their seat.

Now let us have an overview of OpenTable.com and get more understanding about what it is. OpenTable is the leading supplier of reservation, table management and guest management software for restaurants. There is a popular website for making restaurant reservations online, http://www.opentable.com/. Once this website developed, it really provides a fast and efficient way to find available tables that meet desired criteria for cuisine, price and location at a specific time. While it is free for any reservation and it save time in stead of making reservation by calling or step in shop. Moreover, the website is directly connected to the thousands of computerized resevation systems at OpenTable restaurants. This service has real benefit as it allow people to make reservation at anywhere anytime. If making by phone call, normally it required calling during business hour. It is also convenient for cancel the booking while just a one click-cancellation features.

With this kind of e-commerce business model, can it be implemented in Malaysia espeacially for high-end restaurants in Kuala Lumpur? From my perpsective, if this business model implement in Malaysia restaurant industry, it would be very successful as some other industries have already implemented e-tailing system and getting a good feedback. The dominant services is one of the way to improve customer services. Nomatter how, invest in this business model require a huge amount of investment as the installation of the software and maintenance fees have spend a huge amount of money in the system. There must the investors who are willing to invest in. If this model is successful to implement in Malaysia, i think it would get a great response among the public.

Sources from:


Prepared by Wong Chuan Chi

Credit card is a small plastic card issued to the holder by a bank or financial institution entitling its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services. It is working on a buy first pay later system, that's why it enables consumers to buy goods and services on a credit term with an interest rate as a charges to pay off later. It is true that everyone will at least have a credit cards in his or her wallet nowadays, especially for the youngsters and teenagers. Majority of us will choose to pay by credit cards during online shopping and online transaction. Credit cards can be a great tool but all too often we find we have spent more than we can manage to pay back. This is especially true when we have multiple credit cards and lose track of how much we owe on each of them. Nowadays, credit card debts are major cause of bankruptcies each year. It is because majority of the people are unable to pay back that they have spent to the company. Therefore, debt accumulates and increases via interest and penalties.


1) Unemployment
This can be considered as a main reason why everybody is under credit card debts pressure. Obviously, nowadays unemployment rate is quite high, especially for the fresh graduates. Recent research shows that 80%~ 90% of the fresh graduates are under unemployment. Most of them still need to spend though they are unable to secure a job, due to this reason , their alternative is to withdraw via credit cards rather than cash in hand. This may lead to a rise in debt when expenses are not cut down in line with the reduction in income.

2) Divorce
Fees that must spend for divorce such as attorney, division of assets between husband and wife, proceeds given to children are the way to cluster up huge debts by using credit card if it is the gap between the expenses and income. Moreover, it will lead to reduction in income because divorce may force some people to quit their job and to have a walk in other countries.

3) Poor financial management
Poor financial management is one of the best reasons that why so many families have accumulated many
credit card debts. It is because people are unaware to conduct a monthly spending plan and do not keep track of monthly bills. They have never realized their spending on the items that are useless and do not have any value in their life. This bad habit can be seen in most of our lifestyle. Moreover they just keep on spending without any saving .Thus, it has lead to a rise in debts by over using credit cards.

4) Expensive medical expenses
Credit card will probably become one of the useful sources of funds to pay off the medical expenses if health insurance is not adequate to cover the medical bills when one of your family members suffers serious illness.

5) Gambling
Gambling has become part of entertainments in our life. It can be a fun if we are not so addictive to it, but once it becomes addictive, it is hard to stop. Thus, it will surely lead to a financial problem if borrowing money through credit card for gambling.


1) Making a budget
We can attempt to create clear budget and stick on it that includes monthly bills, food, clothes, entertainment and miscellaneous expenses will prevent from overspending and fall under deeper debt load. Furthermore, we can do a shopping list state down the things that we need to buy and compare to our budget to ensure that it does not over budget.

2) Self control and discipline
One of the best practices is to have a direct set up so that able to pay back the full amount each month and use in emergencies. Thus, self control and discipline are requested to keep these cards in wallet and would not overspend. Moreover, we must have an awareness of the credit card debts and starts to spend less in order to stay away from financial crisis.

3) Stop using credit cards
The credit card users need to stop using credit cards, unless it is an urgent situation. The smart card user only uses the card in place of cash, or to obtain a purchase they can afford. Once the user has reduced credit card debt, they can stop worrying about falling deeper into debt.

4) Use your own saving
In my opinion, this is the best way to get rid of credit card debts. Try to purchase goods or services that are affordable by using our own saving, that is cash in hand. This is the most secure and the best method as we does not need to bear a liability once our payment is cleared. Therefore, attempt to purchase our needs in term of cash if it is possible, you can see the changes as well.

Generally, there are many ways in reducing credit card debts. Though the key point is to start spending less and merely purchase items that does not goes against the finanacial boundaries and attempt to avoid from using credit cards as long as you can.
Related links:
Prepared by Chong Hui Qi'

Phishing refers to the act of tricking people into revealing sensitive or private information. It is an e-mail fraud method in which the phisher sends out legitimate-looking email in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Basically, phishing come from those well-known and trustworthy website such as PayPal, eBay, Yahoo, MSN, BestBuy, and America Online so that recipients would not suspect the incoming sources. Phishing attacks generally target on bank information, username, social security numbers, and password information.

Let's have a look on some of the phishing example:

This is an example of a phishing scam targeting Washington Mutual Bank customers. This phish claims that Washington Mutual Bank is adopting new security measures which require confirming ATM card details. As with other phishing scams, the victim is directed to visit a fraudulent site and any information entered on that site is sent to the attacker.

This is a phishing mail from the Charter One bank. This phishing email also pretends to be working to preserve the safety and integrity of online banking. The email also includes the Charter One logo in an attempt to gain reliability and trusty from customers.

Here is another example of a phishing scam targeting SunTrust bank customers. The email warns that the account may be suspended if customers failed to comply with the instructions stated in the statement. The phishers uses the SunTrust logo again which they can simply copied from the real banking site.

PayPal and eBay were two of the earliest targets of phishing scams. This PayPal phishing scams tries to trick recipients by claiming that someone 'from a foreign IP address' attempted to login to your PayPal account, the mail urges recipients to confirm their account details through the link provided at the bottom of the ststement. Once the recipients click on the link provided, it will actually takes the recipient to another unrelated website.

This is another phishing email from eBay website. It urges the eBay member to login and verify the charges due to a billing error that have been conducted previously. In order to make it more reliable, attacker attaches the eBay logo with it.

How To PREVENT Phishing?

In this technology era, phishing can occurs in different manner at anytime and at anywhere. Although complete prevention is impossible, there are several ways to prevent form it.

1) NEVER EVER Click on the hyperlinks provided within the email

You should never ever click on the links that is provided if you are doubt of the email sources. You can do it in an alternative way by directly type in the URL in the Internet browser address bar or call the company on a verified contact number.

2) Always look for "https" and a padlock on a site that requests personal information

Information entered on an Internet Web Site can be intercepted by a third party. Thus, when submitting sensitive financial and personal information through Internet, look for the locked padlock on the Internet browser's status bar or the “https://” at the start of the URL in the address bar. Although there is no absolute guarantee of the site's security, by not doing so, the site is definitely unsecure.

3) Use Anti-phishing software

Phishing Blaster is an Anti-Phishing software that monitors the incoming emails and web pages that might be phishing. Phishing Blaster provides one-step access to the security features that keep your computer safe and blocks phishing scams as it is being updated regularly in order to be more effective. The advantage of this anti software is that it is able to recognize phishing emails pretending to come from eBay, PayPal, Amazon and hundreds of other financial institutions. It benefits consumer from being tricked.

4) Educate Yourself on Fraudulent Activity on the Internet

The best way to avoid from becoming a phishing scam victim is to use your best judgement. None of the financial institution with any sense will email and ask you to input all your sensitive and private information. In fact, most institutions are keep on reminding and informing customers that “We will NEVER ask you for your personal information through phone or email” as the information is private and confidential. So, be SMART whenever you received a phishing mail, definitely you will not be attacked.

Related Links:




Prepared by Chong Hui Qi'

Threat of online security..

Nowadays, people rely on computer to create, store an manage critical information. Consequently, it is important for users to aware that computer security plays a major role in protecting their data from loss, damage, and misuse. Similarly, online security has been online trader's main concern in protecting their websites from potential threats, such as phishing, security hacking, information theft, virus, worms and etc.

However, the increasingly developed technologies sarcastically increase the risk every computer user faced. Everyone who owns a computer with internet connection is able to equip themselves with 'hacking' knowledge by making some research online. Internet provides the opportunities for users to share the knowledge without filtering the content. Therefore, everyone can learn skill that may jeopardize online security via internet and therefore increase the online security risk.

Nowadays, computer users are facing the threats of cybercrime, phishing, internet and network attacks such as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and back doors.

Cybercrime is defined as online internet-based illegal acts. Hackers, crackers and corporate spies is part of cybercrime, who have advanced computer and network skills that access into computers and networks illegally with the intention to destroy data, stealing proprietary data and information.

Phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator send an official looking email that attempts to obtain your personal information and financial information. In other words, this method is to collect information through fake websites. For example, some phishing email messages ask you to reply with your information, or a pop up window that looks like a website, that collects the information. The damages caused by phishing can be crucial. The following case illustrate potential thereat caused by phishing.

For example, in 21 June 2007, a spear phishing incident at the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) stole sensitive U.S. defense information, leading to significant changes in identity and message-source verification at OSD. This incident has cost administrative disruptions and personal inconveniences, as well as huge financial loss in making system recovery. More info..

Internet and network attack that jeopardize security include macro virus, worm, and Trojan horse.

Macro virus is a piece of code that is secretly introduced into a system in order to corrupt it or destroy data. Macro virus such as Melissa and ILOVEYOU were propagated through Microsoft outlook email and whose payloads were delivered as Visual Basic for Application (VBA) programs attached to email messages. Virus attack can damage the operating system, causing the loss of data and other possible losses.

A worm is a program that runs independently, copies itself repeatedly and consuming the resources of its host in order to maintain itself which it is capable of propagating a complete version of itself onto another machine. The repeatedly copied files use up the available space and slow down a computer operating speed.

On the other hand, a Trojan horse is a program that appears to have a useful function but that contains a hidden function that presents a security risk. Trojan may arrive in the form of file that looks like an interesting game or program. When this program is run, the Trojan program is installed and executed every time the attacked computer is turned on. This particular Trojan horse enabled the perpetrator to capture user Ids and passwords, to display, delete messages and upload files on the affected computer.

A back door is a set of instruction in a program that allow users to bypass security control when accessing a program, computer, or network. Once perpetrators gain access to unsecured computers, they often install a back door or modify an existing program to include a back door, enabling them to continue access the computers remotely without user's knowledge.

In conclusion, risk exposed by computer users is increasing with the developed technology. therefore, safeguards developer must be always up to date to enhance the defenses against online security threats. In the same time, users must be educated and informed about the crucial damages and loss caused by imposing online online security threats.

Prepared by Wong Kai Lei

Reviewed post: Identity theft-Cases on stolen laptops, hacking and lost CD

I read a post which is about the identity theft and i reliased that how a grave consequance will happen if we do not get awareness of this issue. As identity theft is a crime of stealing someone's personal, identifying information for the purpose of using that information fraudulently. Those personal and identifying information are including social security numbers, credit card and banking account numbers, usernames, passwords and patient records. While these information have been stolen which helped the criminal do the fraudulent activities such as opening new credit accounts, taking out loans in the victim's name, stealing money from financial accounts, or using available credit. There are a lot of cases are happened around us as the victims were be in a huge debt but without applying any loan.

Trickier Methods that would use by Identity Theft
Hereby i would like to share with you some of the trickier methods which identity theft usually use and we should get to know more about their tactics as we can alert of not being one of the victims.

1. Pretexting

A trickier method that thieves fabricate false pretenses under which to obtain your sensitive financial information from banks or other financial institutions. For example, they will impersonate as your relative and obtain your information from a phone company or bank.

2. Direct Theft

It is an straight line method for stealing information directly from you. They can directly get your credit card information, bank statements, and the like by stealing your mail, swiping your purse or pickpocketing your wallet.

3. Skimming

Skimming is where the theft use sophisticated storage device to connect with a card reader and then access that information for malicious use. While this is a very perilous trick as such a device can directly be installed on any legitimate card reader without recognition the card reader is compromised.

4. Redirecting your mail

It is where those companies send a change of address form and from this, theft will divert your mail to a separate address and gain access to your account statements and other information. As another word, they will directly steal from your mailbox.

5. Phishing

It is using fraudulente-mail messages that appear to come from legitimate businesses in order to gain the personal information. Those personal data such as account numbers and passwords, credit card numbers may be abused by theft.

Does Encryption is useful for protecting your personal information?
It can't deny that encrytion will help us to protect our personal data but for me, this is a subjective question. For my opinion, eventhough there are a lot of high technology of encrytion to secure the data. However there are still a lot of hackers successful broke in to get those high confidential data.
Some of the cases happened were due to the people carelessness. Some of the businessmen send their notebooks for maintenance service but they did not store those customers confidential information in a secure location where it will give a chance to competitors stole their information.

Nomatterhow, we still have to prevent those identity theft. Here are some ways which i would like to share with you:
  • Protect your Social security number
  • Treat your trash and mail carefully
  • Be on guard when using the Internet
  • Select intricate passwords
  • Verify sources before sharing information
  • Safeguard your purse and wallet
  • Store information in secure locations
At last, i want to share my personal experience with you. It is a real life case.

During the time when i get hurry to search a good university or college to further my study, i received a private call. The person that talking on the phone is a China girl who speak with China accent. She promoted me to study at China and kept persuaded me with a lot of reasons. I asked her how she can get my phone number and she told me that may be when my friends applied for the China University form and give them my number.
Come on!!! This is a one of the trick as they have gained access to the school and obtain those student data. Therefore, we should always alert of this kind of phone call or email to avoid be trapped into a snare.

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Prepared by Wong Chuan Chi

Google Changes Everything

" If you were confusing of something, just go and 'Google Up'. We always heard of this word -- 'Google Up'. What does it mean? Generally, it means that we would be able to look up and search for whatever information that is needed by surfing Internet using the google software.
Google was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin who was joined in later in year 1996 when they were pursuing their Ph.D in Stanford University, California. The domain google.com was then registered and incorporated as Google Inc in year 1998. The name ' Google' originate from a common misspelling of the word ' googol' . Its mission is ' to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful'. This search engine had attracted a growing number of users especially teenagers and youngsters who fond of its simple design and useful results since its development.
Nowadays, Google is well known of its web search engine and it even ahead of Yahoo and Live Search. Google consists of billion of web pages to enable user to 'google' for the information they required by merely key in the keywords although sometimes it only generate a maximum amount of 1000 results for specific query. Apart from searching information, Google also included a various type of services such as Image Search, Google News, Google Product Search, Google Groups, Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Video, Google Translate, Gmail and so on.
Gmail also known as Google Mail is a free web-based e-mail services. We can use it to search for our daily e-mails. Google Video is another useful and free video sharing websites which enables users to upload, search and watch videos from the larger Internet. It is very similar to YouTube. We can use this provided services to share funny, interesting and meaningful videos with people all around the world. Google Translate is also an useful services cater by Google Inc. It can translate a section of text, messages and even web pages into another language that the user desire. By using this services, languages barriers is no longer a problem to anyone of us, we can select whatever language that is suitable and convenient to us during net surfing.
Another usefulness of Google is fast and convenient. Why do I said so? Well, let's have a 80th flashback. We always heard of our parents, relatives, lecturers said that Y Generation students are so lucky and fortunate as they can easily completed their degree by using advanced technologies. Yup, they are right. Students nowadays are doing easier in their studies compared to our seniors. They are able to complete their assignments and thesis in a shorter time as they would not need to go to the libraries to search and look for necessary information. What they need to do is just finding the relevant information through Internet by " Google Up".
In conclusion, Google is a very beneficial web tool in tackling our daily requirements and problems. It makes our life more interesting and easier. Thus, whenever you are confusing or curious of something, what you need to do is just.......... 'GOOGLE UP'.
Prepared by Chong Hui Qi'

Internet is a public network that connecting millions of computers throughout the world. Through telephone wires ans satellite links, internet users can share information in a variety of forms. It si very convenient as we do not need to use other traditional method anymore, but Internet is not a safe place anymore because hackers have te ability to intercept and use some information sch as credit card numbers and expiry dates to falsely do transactions. Data is sent back and forth through various servers which personal information and financial data are being housed. We need to take some precautions to increase internet security and decrease date stolen probability.

How we want to avoid the ttheft from the website? There are some suggestions stated below:

Use password that are hardly to guess

To protect information on the Internet and networks, variety of encryption techniques are being used to keep data secure and private. Encryption is a process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access. Avoid using passwords that are easy for someone to guess such as, birth date or own name. If it is possible, use a combination of numbers and alphabets. Do not ever write down the password and put it into briefcase or wallet.

Do not give personal information to unknown parties

Avoid giving your personal information to unknown parties online, via e-mail and over the phone. Personal Financial Information such as name, date of birth, telephone and identity card number should not be given through online although the mail comes from the bank or other important management that handled by behalf of the institution or its affiliates.

Regularly scan computer

Do regularly scan computers using legitimate anti-spyware program to scan your computer and remove any infected files because spyware can be hidden in software programs that may affect the performance of your computer and give attacker access into the data.

Biometric fingerprints

Use a high technology security or any powerful tools which are easier and convenient for you to protect data. As technology is advancing, many system or parts are now provided with fingerprint access. Biometric fingerprint can be used to prevent unauthorized physical and logical access to factory, warehouse, office, laboratory, ATM machines, notebook PCs and any other computer network. Benefits of using this method are it wont lose although it is being stolen n which the theft will not be able to access into the private data .

Avoid accessing financial information in public

Prevent logging to check any bank balance or other private data when using a wireless access that provided by outside coffee shop or public. Although these systems are convenient, but you do not know how sturdy their firewalls are.

Additional informations:
1) Six ways to safeguard your online assets

2) Keep your financial data safe online

prepared by Wong Kai Lei

One of the most famous example of e-commerce failure would be the e-tailer Boo.com which was launched on 3rd November 1999, that added fears about stability and viability of existing and other future online retailers. Boo.com was funding by investors such as Benetton and Bernard Arnault, the chairman of LVMH, Europe largest luxury goods group. This Boo.com not only become the most heavily funded Internet start-up in Europe but also become the high profile. But, the launch has delayed for six months due to technological problems that reported from various sources. Huge spending on consulting fees in order to launched the website and $6 million was spent in fashion ware which has to be discounted in the end because it was no longer fashionable by the time the site was eventually launched. In addition, slow browsing, poor navigation and irritating technology make lost of potential customer and gained Boo a bad reputation.

Reason of failure include poor web design usability where products are zoom all around the page an customer need to practically have to play target practice in order to select the product they want. there were several reports of 'computer text' appearing in web browser instead of graphics, and complaints that customers were unable to purchase products. The Financial Times reported that one customer have been advised by Boo to "limit the amount of transactions they made, to three per twenty minutes". Obviously, this kind of approach could discourage potential and existing customers from shopping over the internet at all. It is very clear from the customer poor online shopping experiences, there was no sufficient testing was undertaken nor were their circumstances were taken into account. E-businesses should ensure their sites are fully tested and refined before promoting them otherwise they will risk losing customer as well as revenue. Test should incorporate actual audience members and include some professionals, and those who know little about trading and those who had never traded online.

With bad marketing, Boo marketed itself as a premium sports, urban street wear and fashion retailer, stocking quality products for the conscious young individual. Premium products came with expensive charges but customer are attracted more to by online at cheaper prices. When clothing is view to be important with nature behavior of customer like to see, feel and try on items before buying, Boo.com's clever teccnology enabled shoppers to view the items in 3-D and gave a distinc visual feel of the products. unfortunately, they did not account for the key internet driver-lower prices. Apart from that, brands that involved in Boo.com did not wish to offer discounts as it will devalue their brand. The publisher of 'Computing' show the three main reasons for web purchases in UK as 'easy and convenience', 'better prices' and 'speed of process', but Boo.com fulfilled none of the criteria.

Pattern of spending from technology cost was the construction of Boo's technology platform which involved hefty programming for multi-currency sales and product delivery. In addition to the initial outlay of the website, there were high maintainance expenses with five thousand pounds a month for creating 3d photographs of its products for the website. There is also feedbackfrom employees about excessive employment benefits and luxurious spending but these benefit were later justified as in order to attract 'some of the brightest brains in Europe'. Although there had been improvements in the website, but Boo.com was forced into liquidition when it's investor refused to inject any more cash into the business as it had already spent $380 million. Boo did suceed in creating a 'hip and trendy' image suitable for attracting young shoppers but on the other hand, the performance of the site gave the brand a reputation of being customer unfriendly.

A website should be vigorously tested and the structure and site should be completely ready before marketing the brand. using professionals to ensure the site is one hundred percent robust, will deter any embarrassing publicity from damaging the brand and ensuring customers of a stress free shopping experience. budget and sound marketing plan should be in place beforehand and followed. Expensive advertising campaigns maybe effective, but more investment should be placed on retaining existing customers through good Customer Relationship Management.

Prepared by Wong Kai Lei

When a discussion was given in the topic of the successful E-Commerce nowadays, for sure Amazon, Ebay, and Dell will come to mind. We will discuss and share with you one of the mentioned company which successfully captured the consumers' heart, ebaY.

eBay, the world's largest online marketplace which offer a great opportunity to consumers in buying and selling any item at anytime. The key success that ebay hold which is built on commerce, sustained by trust, and inspired by opportunity. What make the global leader with million of people everyday on commerce? Online payment and communication would be some of the others criteria that cause ebay success. Those corporate media with ebay which are paypal, Skpe, Shopping.com, StubHub and Stumble Upon .

Get to know how success ebay is, let's have a quick view of ebay.
  • eBay was founded in September 1995
  • It has a global presence in 37 markets, including the U.S
  • It has 233 million registered users worldwide
  • Its marketplaces net revenue for first quarter 2007 totaled $1.25 billion, with 49% from US operations and 51% from our International business
  • ebay users worldwide trade more than $1.839 worth of goods on the site everyday second
  • Approximately 1.3 million sellers around the world use eBay as a primary or secondary source of income.
  • September 2006, eBay members worldwide have left more than five billion feedback comments regarding their eBay transactions
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eBay success causes
There may have some causes to make eBay a successful E-commerce. One of the reasons is offering an exciting feature which provided buyers and sellers a quick, easy, and safe way to negotiate price online. It helps the consumers bargain for the best price on eBay and this would probably build customer satisfaction as to bid desired item at reasonable price. ebay extensively offers products in different categories such as collectible, vehicles, real estate, office equipment and others. It has a safe and reliable reputation protected by the company.
eBay has good strategies in terms of web site design, customer services, technical proficiency, advertising, accuracy of billing and guarantees and warranties. All these affords that eBay made satisfying small and large consumers. Talented workforce, product innovation, brand name and expertise in technology are the strength that ebay has in order to survive in this competitive market.

eBay always understand about its customers and here is some tutorials for the eBay new comers:
how to buy: http://pages.ebay.com/bestoffer/buyer/index.html

Other than the tutorials, eBay also provides various online help features which that help consumers a hand and assist them while they are facing problem in some activities. The online help features are including help topics, learning center, resolution center, eBaY university and contact us. eBay has considerate to the consumers situation and provides a lot of guidelines for them to refer and since then build up consumers network and satisfaction accordingly.
eBaY has also created a friendly environment to the consumers as they can easily find the instruction and the layout and arrangement of the website looked tidy, in order and comfortable. The guarantees and warranties which provided by ebay has build up customers confidence and trustworthy.
In consequences, eBaY has put in more affords and make improvement for their company as a return to consumers' support. Hence, eBaY will continue to grow in the future.
sources from:
prepared by Wong Chuan Chi